I swear every time I turn around another hour day week has gone by and it's Monday once again. One of the most redeeming qualities about Monday of course being Best Shot Monday, and a chance to see all the fantastic images that people have captured over the last week.
This was my favorite:
Now head to Tracey's and see what everyone else has to show off!
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Best Shot Monday - Around The House
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Friday, March 28, 2008
Change of Heart
I may or may not have mentioned it, but Jodi Picoult is hands down my favorite author. And she has been from the second that I read one of her books. There are, of course, some of her books that I enjoy more than others, but there isn't a book she has written that I
wouldn't recommend to someone else. Her latest novel is Change of Heart, about a death row inmate who wants to donate his heart to the younger sister of the girl he was convicted of murdering. The story explores religion, spirituality, the death penalty, and how the lives of so many people can weave together in unexpected ways.
While this was not my favorite of her books, I still highly recommend it. I got the book on Monday morning, after reading some quotes on Jodifur, and started reading in Monday afternoon. I was finished first thing Wednesday morning. Like all of her others, once I started I couldn't put it down. There are some very interesting questions and issues that are brought up over the course of the story, although I will refrain from mentioning them for the moment because I don't want to ruin it for anyone who hasn't read the book yet.
But if you're looking for something to read - especially if your weekend weather is supposed to be as grey and dreary as mine - then I highly suggest Change of Heart - then you can come back and tell me what you thought!
And since I've finished with that book, I'm open to suggestions - got anything that I have to start reading?
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Theme Thursday - Collage
This week's theme at Stacy's is Collage. I have to admit, I have never used photoshop to make a collage. But with her fantastic tutorial, I decided to give it a try. And after I saw Carrie's adorable layouts for Crafty Tuesday, I knew just what I was going to attempt.
So here it is:
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Maybe It's the Weather?
I'm not sure what the problem is, but I just feel all out of sorts. Or perhaps a more accurate statement is that I'm not sure which thing is to blame for me being out of sorts.
*I went out of town for Easter. Which was lovely, but travel can suck the life right out of you.
*It snowed on Easter. Which is just wrong.
*My mother is in town.
*The boys were perfect angels yesterday.
I think that really the last one is the one that has me all out of sorts. Mostly because when an entire day goes so well, it makes me somewhat convinced that we should all begin immediate preparations for the world to end. Not that the boys are not good kids, but they are toddlers. But yesterday there was no whining, no fighting, no nothing. They were even perfect angels when we were out and about...to the point that I actually was a little concerned that someone had tried to pull a switch on me.
**Edited to add: yes, the last one was definitely the case. Before 7 am this morning there was copious amounts of whining and tears and unpleasantness. It was good times. Luckily by 8 am things were starting to look up.
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Best Shot Monday - Age and Beauty
My Grandma was one of six children - 5 girls and a boy. For as far back as I can remember, my Grandma and her sisters were as thick as thieves. And while her brother died before I was born, his wife was always part of the mix too - as if she always had been.
My Grandma and her sisters all died several years ago, but her sister in law is still as feisty as ever. She's as much as part of our family as anyone - and since she's the oldest, we even let her be the boss...we're all thoughtful like that. She is full of life, and the perfect reminder as to why holidays can be so much fun.
For more beauty, head to Tracey's for more BSM!
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Theme Thursday - Self
Perhaps my plan should have involved a bit more thought.
But instead of thought, you get to see me. I'm sure you're just thrilled.
Clearly I don't have a nifty remote like the other cool kids. But at least my arms are long enough to get my whole head in the shot...
For some other gorgeous shots, head to Stacy's...you know you want to take a peek!
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Things I Don't Understand
- Why I can't resist eating junk food while watching The Biggest Loser.
- How anyone can not melt just a little from the cuteness of babies. And puppies.
- Why in the world anyone would name their child after a beverage of any kind. I kid you not when I say that his nephew is named Miller Lyte. Oh Matthew, I adore you, but if you follow your brother's example then I just don't know if you can be my boyfriend anymore...
- How people can't enjoy reading. I know that there are lots of people that don't, it's just something I don't understand. I love reading...even if I don't get to do it as often as I would like.
Monday, March 17, 2008
Happy St Patrick's Day!
I love St Patrick's Day. You wear green, you get to pinch people who don't, there
It might be pouring rain, but that didn't stop me from slapping a plastic hat on the kids as soon as I saw them this morning. And beads...St Patrick's Day involves lots of beads...
And despite the rain, we headed to the parade - which we managed to watch from the inside, where it was both warm and dry.
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Best Shot Monday - The Zoo Edition
Last week we were lucky enough to have two gorgeous days, before the weather returned to being cold and gray. And so like anyone who dreads days that are cold and gray and force you to stay inside, the second that we had nice weather we rushed to do something outside. And what better outside, springtime activity than a trip to the zoo?!
It was a perfect day - the weather was gorgeous, the kids were all relatively well behaved, and a good time was had by all. And we even had lots of animals to see - apparently everyone wanted to enjoy the nice weather!
And my best shot from our trip to the zoo?
Because while it isn't technically the best, it does the best job of displaying just how glad we were to enjoy such a beautiful day.
To see what other people enjoyed last week, head to Tracey's for more BSM!
Saturday, March 15, 2008
The Business of Being Born
Friday, March 14, 2008
Middle Name Meme
I got tagged for the middle name meme by Brittany, so here we go. I am sure that your Friday will be much more complete once you know not only my middle name, but more random things about me.
So here are the rules for this MEME:
1) You must post these rules on your blog before you answer the questions.
2) You need to list one fact about yourself using each letter of your MIDDLE name. If you don’t have a middle name use your maiden name instead.
3) When you are finished with your answers, you need to tag one person for each letter of your middle name.
My Middle Name: Elizabeth
E: Every time I get stressed or nervous, I start fiddling with my fingers. I used to bite my nails (and don't anymore) but the habit of messing with my hands is still there. I tap them like crazy - which is a horribly annoying habit.
L: Lies are probably my biggest pet peeve ever. It makes me absolutely crazy when people lie. And although I am almost completely unable to tell a lie that anyone will believe, I almost always know when someone else is lying.
I: I wear sunscreen every day. In the spring/summer/fall when it's warm outside, I wear sunscreen in addition to the face lotion that has sunscreen in it. If I don't, I will burn. And even when I do, I have been known to get a bit crispy. To make my point, I got a sunburn on Tuesday. Apparently it's time to start slathering on the sunscreen again...
Z: Zoos. I love going to the zoo (although not the one here - I am less than impressed with it, to be honest). And I love taking pictures at the zoo. Shocking I know....you probably never would have guessed if I hadn't told you!
A: All of my movies are alphabetized. Shut up.
B: Baseball is one of my very favorite sports to watch. Go Cardinals!
E: Early. I am early to everything almost everything, because I can't stand to be late. But I know that sometimes being early is just as annoying as being late.
T: Tivo. I adore my tivo. If it weren't for that delightful little box, I would never get to see anything!
H: House. House the TV show - which I am obsessed with. I just discovered it recently, and am thrilled that I can see all of the previous episodes mailed to my house courtesy of Blockbuster. And Courtney also pointed out to me that it plays on the weekends on USA and FOX, which means that there is even more for me to see....hooray! That's right, I'm cheering for reruns of a TV show. I really am THAT easy to please.
So, here's where I break the rules. I am supposed to tag 9 people. That seems like a lot. And it's Friday, so my brain (which has been functioning at fractional capacity) is now on the verge of total shut down. So there will be no tagging. But if you are anxious to share your middle name with the internet, then please let me know! I am always up for finding out more random information about people. Like which is longer - your big toe or the one next to it?
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Theme Thursday - Change
This week's theme is change.
You can change your clothes.
You can change your mind.
But sometimes the biggest difference can come just from changing your attitude.
Now head to Stacy's and see what else is changing...