Friday, June 13, 2008

At What Point?

My very important question to the internet: At what point do you come to terms with the fact that you are not going to fall back asleep and just go ahead and get up to start your day? And does the fact that it's only 3:07 am come into play during this decision? Or the fact that you had barely gone to bed?

I decided after 74 minutes that I might as well get up, because clearly laying there and wishing for sleep wasn't doing anything.

But let me tell you - the thought of being all super-productive in the middle of the night at 4:00 am is REALLY not appealing.


Brittany said...

Ohhhh dear.... Hope you feel rested... or can nap!! :(

Funky Mama said...

Tylenol PM works WONDERS!

Stacy said...

I still lay there. When you are so tired you can't fall are still tired. That's my world - I'm not a good sleeper.

Hope you were able to get a little sleep!

Anonymous said...

I go with Tylenol PM too. Or a bad movie. Either way, about 40 min later, I'm out cold.

Unknown said...

ugh. fortunately i rarely have that problem - when i do get to sleep, i am out! i hope you get a nap or a very early bedtime tonight!

jenna said...

I just take 2 advil...tylenol pm is like a coma for me. I also try never to look at the clock when I get up to pee. I hate to start thinking "I only have 3 hours until the alarm...."

chaoticfamily said...

AKKK - I get total insomnia and just lay awake for hours - get up and down then usually around the 4 or 5 mark that's it - I sleep for an hour or two then of course kidlets are up.

I agree with Funky Mama - although it's not available in Canada the Tylenol PM does work and every lil USA trip we make I buy a bottle that lasts me for a very long time.

I also use the insomnia spray from Saje and just mist it on my pillow and face and try to relax.

Hope today isn't to tiring for you. :)

Blueberry said...

i stay in bed. i stay in bed until the sun comes up, then maybe i'll get up. i figure at least i'm resting and won't feel quite as bad in the morning..... right.

hope you got some rest!

Lara said...

argh, i HATE when that happens! :(

Joanna said...

I have a hard time falling asleep at might. I stopped taking naps during the day thinking it would help me sleep better, but I still dont fall asleep until 12-1am. Sucks. Hope tonight goes better for you.

Sarah said...

This is a horrible feeling, all right. But I find I am unable to be productive in the middle of the night, no matter how awake I am. I still feel I should be lying on the couch watching late night tv and resting, at least. Doing anything, even folding laundry, is just sort of... Weird, for me. Unfortunately.

Christina said...

Ick. That sucks. I have no answers, as that's one problem I fortunately rarely have to deal with. I generally am awoken too early by a certain little early bird. I hope you were able to get some rest! Reading something boring used to work for me. ;o)

Arizaphale said...

I get up and blog. After all, you guys are all awake at that time. :-)

Carissa(GoodnCrazy) said...

Two words.


Hard to turn off my brain. But it does help if I turn off everything else (ie. computer) a whole hour before I intend to go to bed. Doesn't always work though. Hate meds.

Jaimee said...

oooohh, hope you were able to catch a nap to make up for the loss of sleep. I rarely have this problem...normally I'm a Zombie at night...but, when I was pregnant it happened all of the time and I usually got up for a while until I could get tired again.

Kimberly said...

You are so totally asking the wrong person on that one. With the new little one, if there is peace and stillness around me, I'm asleep! Hope this doesn't happen often for you. :)

Shalee said...

Amen and amen. But I get up too because I remember that I have laundry to start, a book to read, blogs to catch and coffee to drink... definitely not in that order.

I've learned to embrace my early wakings. It makes me much less angry and I usually fall asleep earlier that night. It's taken me a LONG time to get there though...