Wednesday, February 17, 2010

A Little Slice of Heaven

This is my bed. Which I exited early on Monday morning. And am now blissfully tucking myself into. On Wednesday night.

(Don't feel totally sorry for me, I took two 90 minute naps today)

But still - there is something so fantastic about crawling into bed and closing your eyes. Especially when you can sleep as late as you want the next morning.

Oh spring break, you are an aspect of school that NEVER gets old!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


Jaimee said...

Oh MY, Maggie! I hope you slept well!

natalie said...

AMEN! I live for spring break! Although the whole sleeping in as late as I want thing doesn't happen any more. You know...a four year old and all that jazz. But it's still so nice to wake up to her and not the alarm clock!

Glad that you are finally getting some rest!

Christina said...

Two 90-minute naps - that should be more than sufficient. after all, you are superwoman! You really must be to make it thru that. Hope you enjoyed your well-deserved sleep!

Brittany said...

Gotta love that spring break!!! :) Enjoy it!

Arizaphale said...

Ahhhhhh. Sleeeep. My old friend. How I miss you....

Stacy said...

Enjoy your resting time! Getting into bed when you are thoroughly exhausted is the best feeling ever. :)