Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Crafty Tuesday: Sneak Peek

Since it's Tuesday, the interwebs are once again filled with crafty delights for Crafty Tuesday.

And I have something (sort of) to share...or at least a little of something... I am busy at work over a several week break from regular classes, many plans which include things that are highly crafty. But nothing is quite finished yet.

So here is a little sneak peek on what I have been working on since my 8 hour flight from Chicago on Sunday. And for those of you playing along at home, I live in KS. Which is most definitely not normally an 8 hour flight away. But that's a story for another time... So for now, here's a tiny peek at what's been keeping me busy...

For some actual craftiness, head to Carrie's and see what everyone's got to share!


Stacy said...

I have zero guesses about what that could be! The hubby and I are going to be going to Vegas in a month or so and the connecting flight takes us up to San Franscisco. I am so not looking forward to that hellish long flight on the way home. I'll definitely need something to keep me occupied.

Arizaphale said...

Are you sanding and staining?

Unknown said...

oh, i can't wait to see what you have cooking up over there.