Sunday, December 2, 2007

Best Shot Monday - Christmas Is Coming

For once, my BSM doesn't have people (meaning the boys) in it!

I put up the tree this weekend!

Christmas Tree 3

What was your best shot from last week? For some great best shots, head to Tracey's!


Blueberry said...

oh! that is just lovely!!

Melody A. said...

I like how I can see you in it. Nice.

SusieJ said...

I know those shots are hard to get - with the light. You did well.

Stacy said...

I love, love, love this shot. What kind of camera do you have?

Maya said...

I love this shot! Love seeing you in it!

Dawn said...

that is sparkly and soft and very dramatic coloring. i love it.

kim said...

I love that shot! I especially love your reflection in the bulb.

Anonymous said...

That's beautiful! That blue is one of my favorites.

Mike said...

I see you. :)


niobe said...

I've been trying (and failing) to get a shot like this. Bravo!

Colleen @AMadisonMom said...

Beautiful. I just love the color and reflection.

Phyllis Sommer said...

that is so darn cool!!!!!! that is hard to do, i'm impressed!:-)

Trish said...

I love this! The colors, the composition...all perfect! Great job! :)

mandaroo63 said...

What a fun photo! You can see alot in the reflection! : )

Blessed Nest said...

That is such a cool shot! Beautiful!

Mommy's Cherish said... it! That would be great on the front of a Xmas card!

Christina said...

I LOVE that shot! Totally awesome.

Wil's Wheels said...

Absolutely beautiful and fun! I see you. :)

Crunchy Domestic Goddess said...


Anna said...

So cool. I'm going to try that this year. Last year was a study in shutter speed and christmas lights--40 photos of bleeeeck!

Unknown said...

how the heck did i miss this on monday? it is great!!

Arizaphale said...

Incredibly cool shot with you in the reflection!!!!