Sunday, May 11, 2008

Best Shot Monday - Dew Drops

Apparently I only have two subjects - flowers and kids. I am working on taking pictures of other things, but when it comes time to select my best shot from the last week, it is nearly always one of these two that ends up getting picked.

My best shot:


For a variety of amazing shots, head to Tracey's and see what everyone else has for Best Shot Monday!


Kara said...

You can't go wrong with flowers - and they are so fun to snap pictures of - very beautiful.

Megan said...

that is lovely -- love the dark background that sets off the pink of the flower!

tracey clark said...

I'm all about the kids and flowers too! This shot is gorgeous!

Christina said...

Kids and flowers are always winners - why stray from what works?! Beautiful shot.

Bonnie said...

Beautiful !! I love the little water droplets !!

chaoticfamily said...

So stunning! It is just amazing.

Happy Mother's Day.

Unknown said...

That is what I say - if it ain't broke - don't fix it! It works for you Maggie....I love the dew! So very pretty.

Sara said...

Beautiful flower, beautiful capture, I love the simplicity of this picture.

Mines up:
Mr. Blue eyes, the snorters and can they dance?

Stacy said...

so gorgeous!!! i love flower shots!

Blueberry said...

lovely shot!

i take mostly kids and flowers too! :)

Anonymous said...

Lovely shot! The color just pops out at you. And the water drops make me think of early morning calm.

emily said...

Great colors! I wish we had dew drops, but just lots and LOTS of rain drops around here.

Jaimee said...

That is stunning! Flowers and kids are my only subjects too--but, they make great ones at least!

Anonymous said...

These are gorgeous! I had to laugh at your statement, though! Look at my photoblog and you'll see my subjects are usually my kids and flowers, too! LOL

Anonymous said...

Beautiful - I touch of spring. The pink is amazing!

Rest Assured My Best Shot

Unknown said...

Very nice! I love flower pictures, I take a lot myself.

Dawn said...


Anna Sawin said...

I love kids and flowers! And especially the dew drops. Did you add them, or were they natural? They are gorgeous!

Brittany said...

Maggie! Can you frame your work and let me buy it?? GOREGEOOUSSS!

natalie said...

What can I say? I'm breathless, as usual.

Maya said...

It's okay to be taking photos of kids and flowers...because they are both so beautiful!!!

kim said...

a beautiful shot - love the flowers, keep 'em coming.

Anonymous said...

Maggie, it is beautiful. Love the color.

Rose said...

Absolutely gorgous!

I finally got mine uo - sort of

Kimberly said...

Hey, at least you have TWO subjects. :) I just have the one - kids. And it doesn't hurt that you're GENIUS with the flower pics either. ;-)

Arizaphale said...

I can see why you chose it. Why do my pictures never look like that??

Anonymous said...

And you do them both very well.

Andrea said...

I love botanical shots!
Lovely shot!

Stacy said...

That is just beautiful! Don't worry about having only those two subjects, since you do them well. :)