Monday, February 8, 2010

Best Shot Monday - Tiny Hands

Ruby Rose Lindberg - 01.25.10 (27 of 54)

For more amazing shots, see what everyone has to share at Tracey's!



Brittany said...

Beautiful photo, Maggie!

Cara said...

Your pictures always make my heart skip a beat.

Anonymous said...

Aww. So lovely. :)

Christina said...

Do you always have your camera with you at work, Maggie? I know there are many parents out there gratful for you being there to capture these moments!

Amanda said...

So precious.

natalie said...

My heart is aching that this sweet baby didn't go home with his/her parents. Please tell us this was a happy ending.


Joanna said...

Oh my Maggie!! Look at those wrinkled little hands. Love the splash of gold.

melody said...

Be still my heart...tender beauty.