Monday, January 3, 2011

Best Shot Monday: All Good Things

All good things must come to an end...and so it goes with Best Shot Monday. Tracey has said this is the last one, and I wouldn't dream of missing it!

Christmas Day 2010 (19 of 70)

May the start to 2011 be filled with some time to relax for all of you!

For the rest of this week's best shots, see what everyone else has to share at Tracey's!


Cara said...

I too will miss BSM, I've meet so many of my friends through it.

Colleen @AMadisonMom said...

What cute puppies!!!!

BSM will be missed. It definitely brought about a lot of bloggy friendships.

tracey clark said...

this is adorable. a great way to end it. thank you for being a part of it all.

Jen said...

I haven't participated in awhile, but BSM was definitely how I meet such great women like you.

Kimberly said...

I'm pretty sure that BSM is how I came to know you. I'll miss BSM!

Unknown said...

i'm so happy and thankful for i had the opportunity to meet you! and those cute puppies, too!

Joanna said...

I will miss BSM too....Love me some puppy love to end it all though! :0)

Arizaphale said...

Also pretty sure I met you through BSM! Great shot to finish. Warm and cosy.