Sunday, March 23, 2008

Best Shot Monday - Age and Beauty

My Grandma was one of six children - 5 girls and a boy. For as far back as I can remember, my Grandma and her sisters were as thick as thieves. And while her brother died before I was born, his wife was always part of the mix too - as if she always had been.

My Grandma and her sisters all died several years ago, but her sister in law is still as feisty as ever. She's as much as part of our family as anyone - and since she's the oldest, we even let her be the boss...we're all thoughtful like that. She is full of life, and the perfect reminder as to why holidays can be so much fun.

DSC_0149 sepia

DSC_0143 sepia

For more beauty, head to Tracey's for more BSM!


Brittany said...

that second photo is just beautiful!

Unknown said...

oh maggie - it really is a gorgeous portrait of her - she must love it!
well done.

chaoticfamily said...

How wonderful to have such a close family! What a beautiful story and photo.

Anonymous said...

I love how you captured the generations here. Gorgeous.

Blueberry said...

terrific photos!! what a lovely family you have! :)

Sarah said...

These are great shots. Also, I really like your hair straightened in that first photo! Looks cute.

Kyla said...


Jaimee said...

That second one is a great portrait!

Never That Easy said...

I particularly like the second shot: a perfect portrait of someone who sounds like an amazing woman!

Dawn said...

wonderful, wonderful shots!!! great!!

natalie said...

Number two is my FAVORITE. I find such beauty in the wrinkles of time--that tell of wisdom and life and experience.

Blessed Nest said...

what a beautiful picture..her eyes just sparkle!!

Kimberly said...

They're both great photos but the last is my favorite. Age and beauty indeed. :)

MamaGeek @ Works For Us said...

Now THAT is a powerful, captivating shot. Very lovely!

Christina said...

Wow, that second image - incredible portrait! Really captivating.

Anonymous said...

that is a sweet portrait. Love it!

kim said...

I love that second shot!!! Wonderful.

Anonymous said...

You can tell she totally has stories to tell. Great portrait!

Sassy said...

So sweet. Creating a wonderful memory!

Stacy said...

what a nice tribute to her! great shot.

Anonymous said...

Awesome. Really.

Stacy said...

What a great picture of her! She sure does look feisty. :)

Crunchy Domestic Goddess said...

what a gorgeous portrait. very nice. :)

Rose said...

I agree with the above! What an incredible shot and wonderfully close family - a true blessing and legacy to leave your own children.

Maya said...

I LOVE that second photo!

Anonymous said...

Love the details.


If you are interested in a photo challenge, please join me at

Anonymous said...

Oh, this was a lovely post! And the photos are amazing!

Thank you for stopping by my place for BSM with your kind comment :)

Arizaphale said...

Wow! She is fabulous. I hope I have as much life and sparkle at her age.