Friday, December 25, 2009

The Little Things

I LOVE Christmas. I love the whole season - the decorations, the cards, the gifts, the parties, the celebrations, the hustle and bustle...I look forward to it every year.

Since no one seems to give out calendars to newborns, we're a 24/7 operation. Which includes holidays - and this year, Christmas Eve was mine. My mom still has a hard time grasping the concept of why everyone needs to take their turn working holidays, but that's a different story.

It might not sound like fun, working on Christmas Eve - and during a blizzard no less - while everyone else is celebrating with their families. But fun or not, yesterday being at work was exactly where I was supposed to be.

Baby Gilbert - 12.24.09 (199 of 200)

Her 90 minutes were spent with her family, making her know just how very loved and cherished and beautiful she was. And that deserves to be preserved and remembered. Given the combination of the weather and the holidays, there wasn't an actual photographer available.

But since I was working, my schedule was wide open.

There are other places that might have been more fun than work on Christmas Eve, but I'm still pretty sure that I was exactly where I was meant to be.

I hope that your holidays are filled with love, laughter, family, friends, and that the season shines for you in a million small and beautiful ways...Merry Christmas!

Monday, December 21, 2009

Best Shot Monday - Happiness

Back from a long (and unintended) hiatus, these are my best shots from last week:

12.17.09 (110 of 129)

12.17.09 (85 of 129)

12.17.09 (91 of 129)

A rare sunny and non-frigid December day... It doesn't get much better than that...


Saturday, December 19, 2009


There are lots of things that pass.

You pass cars on the road that are going to small. You pass the time. You pass the butter, salt, or pepper. You pass from one stage of life to another.

But few things are more gratifying than passing into the second semester of medical school.



I thought I knew what I was getting into when I went to medical school. I had been a nurse for several years, I knew faculty at the school I was attending, and I knew lots of physicians. Although strangely enough, very few of the physicians who found out I was going to medical school had much more than a concerned look on their face.

I probably should have paid more attention to that.

Not because I am not happy to be where I am -- on the contrary, I am beyond thrilled to be in medical school. And even more thrilled to have survived the first semester. But now I know why they gave that look. It was much less about not being encouraging and much more the look of "Oh my goodness, I remember what it was like...."

I now completely understand the look.

People say that it doesn't take long for those in medicine to being to discourage those who are thinking about that career path. I can see why -- not because they don't think it's a fantastic path, but because medical school is like nothing words can explain.

The volume of information. The constant stress level. The effort it takes to be around people who are stressed to the max day after day. The feeling like you know absolutely nothing. There are no words that can prepare you for that. You know medical school is going to be tough, but you have no idea that it's going to be the way it is.

Some things no one can tell you, you just have to learn on your own.


Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Trying Something New

It appears that you can actually blog from your cool is that?!

It also appears that I am a total dork...

A dork who wore two different shoes today. Oops. :)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Sunday, November 1, 2009


It appears that my last post was forever SIX weeks ago. Ummm...oops.

I've got no is busy, and I think that I have be consumed with trying to keep my head above water. I've even had a light week the last week (no studying -- hooray!!) and I still haven't done anything about all my lovely internet friends.

I realize what I am about to say is going to sound absolutely stupid. But medical school is hard. Like really hard. Seriously.

I knew that it was going to be hard. I heard about all the studying, all the information, all the "drinking from a fire hose" metaphors. And they're all true, 100%. But there is all the parts of medical school that people don't tell you -- the stress, the feeling of drowning in information, what it's like to be surrounded by 257 people who are stressed to the max. And mostly, the isolation.

I am incredibly lucky that, already working in healthcare, I have lots of friends who have already done this whole medical school thing. They went, they studied, and they survived to make it to the other side. Which is nice to see, because, hey! Look! Going to medical school doesn't actually kill everyone! But it's better than that -- it's having friends who actually know what you're talking about when you fuss about school. People who look at you with a pitiful expression and groan and say "Ugh. I KNOW."

And they actually do.

It's a new month. I'm not going to say that I'm going to do NaBloPoMo, because I'm not quite that delusional I am becoming more aware of my limits. But I've marked the thousands of google reader posts as read and I am going to start fresh. So get ready to spill -- while I've been buried in books and powerpoint slides and laboring patients, what has the rest of the world been up to?!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Some of my favorite bloggers frequently do posts entitled Grace in Small Things.

And because I know that things are never really as rotten as they seem, I figure that something similar might be in order...

1. I have had a horrible time getting myself to the gym lately. So I purchased a season of Grey's Anatomy on iTunes, so that I could load episodes to my iPhone and watch them on the treadmill. Why yes, I AM bribing myself to work out! If nothing else, I figured that would at least have me working out for 45 minutes. Perfect! Until yesterday - I went to sync my iPhone with my computer (not an uncommon occurance) and it DIED. Like black screen of death died. But it was nice to have a day that I wasn't constantly getting emails/texts/calls.

2. I couldn't get an appointment at an Apple Store until today. And when I went in, they ended up having to give me a new phone. Which was free - yay warrenty!

3. I couldn't remember exactly where the Apple store was. So I walked around in heels that weren't very comfortable. And that gave me a rather large and ouchy blister on my foot. But I did decide that walking in heels definitely negates me having to go to the gym today.

4. I brought my shiny new phone home from the store...and it still didn't work. So then I had to go BACK to the store and wait for 2.5 hours for them to fix it. By giving me ANOTHER new iPhone. Seriously. But the second time they stayed open for me after they were supposed to close and made sure that the new phone would work. AND...I once again have a working phone.

5. I took the dog and the cat to the vet for their semi-annual appointments. Where I was informed that because the cat has dry skin that I would need to give him a BATH with this special shampoo. THREE TIMES A WEEK. Have I ever mentioned that my cat weighs 20lbs? Or mentioned how well it went learned that cat's don't like water when I gave him a bath a few years ago? But both my pets are healthy. And the visit cost 1/4 of what I expected it to.

6. I made brownies when I got home from my marathon stint at the Apple store. And then I promptly fell right on my behind when I slipped in some cooking spray that must have gotten on the floor. But I have brownies!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Looking Around

Because I have the attention span of a gnat Because I am highly interested in people watching, I spend a lot of my time at school looking around and watching the people in my class.

I realize that this might sound creepy, but I promise it isn't. Or it isn't supposed to be.

But as I sit and look around at my classmates, it occurs to me that in just a few short years, these people will be physicians. Who are supposed to make decisions. And deal with patients.

And there are a lot of people that I have no trouble picturing in that type of role - caring for patients, meeting with families, making decisions. But then there are the 'other' ones...


There are some people that I simply can't picture walking into a room as a physician. Let alone doing any of that other doctor-type stuff.

And then I realize that in just a few short years someone is going to want me to do that doctor-type stuff.

Double Yikes.

Friday, September 4, 2009


If this doesn't make you love (or at least like) baseball - and the Cardinals - then you are beyond help....

Fan Falls"<

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Medical School - 3 Weeks In

Garrett with the fire hose

It's only been three weeks and we've only had one midterm, but I can say, without a doubt, that I now know what they mean when they say that information in medical school is like trying to drink from a firehose.

Oh. my. word.

The shear VOLUME of information is seriously unbelievable. Everyone said it would be, but really, you never really believe people until you're there yourself. But believe me. It's HUGE.

I think that maybe part of the reason that it's so surprising is simply because I haven't ever really been a studier. I would review material for tests and finals, but that was about it...studying was never a part of my normal school routine. I went to class, I did the work, and that was that.

This is totally different. I feel like I am studying ALL THE TIME. And if I am not studying? Well, I'm thinking about studying. Or I'm reviewing things in my head. All. the. time. The shower, the car, making dinner, trying to fall asleep.

It's only been a few weeks, and I am still trying to find the right routine to get everything done. But I have passed my first section's midterm (thank heavens) and have even managed to all the posts in posts in my google reader catch up in blogland (sort of) and get the number of unread posts in my google reader down below 500. I have even done the dishes and some laundry...I know, I'm on FIRE!

I don't regret going, even when the studying sucks. Because while I am constantly reminded of all the things I don't know....I'm starting to surprise myself with the amount of things that I have been able to learn too...

Monday, August 31, 2009

Best Shot Monday - Hello, Joe!

Two weeks ago my coworker asked me to take some shots of her handsome new addition.


Joey Billam - 08.14.09 (44 of 100)

Joey Billam - 08.14.09 (35 of 100)

Joey Billam - 08.14.09 (88 of 100)

Joey Billam - 08.14.09 (90 of 100)

I'd say he's definitely a keeper!


Saturday, August 29, 2009

White Coat

My school has a week of orientation for incoming first year students. Several days of the normal orientation stuff: meet and greets, introductions, expectations, community service and rules, rules, rules.

Then, at the end of the week, is White Coat.

White Coat - 08.06.09 (2 of 39)

And, at my school, white coat is a BIG DEAL. There are rehearsals and tickets and a huge party afterwards.

White Coat - 08.06.09 (4 of 39)

It's not complicated, really. It's actually just like it sounds - all the newbies show up, and they get...a white coat. A short one (which signifies a student rather than someone who actually knows what they are doing), but still -- a coat that is white. That people associate with doctors. That people will associate with us as actual medical students.

White Coat - 08.06.09 (6 of 39)

White Coat - 08.06.09 (33 of 39)

251 of us, all with white coats. All well on our way.

I have a feeling it's going to be one heck of a ride...

Monday, August 10, 2009

Can You Believe They Let Me Graduate?!

Graduation - 07.23.09 (1 of 27)
My parents and both my sisters came to town for graduation.

Graduation - 07.23.09 (7 of 27)

Graduation - 07.23.09 (9 of 27)

Graduation - 07.23.09 (11 of 27)

Graduation - 07.23.09 (12 of 27)

Graduation - 07.23.09 (17 of 27)

And my best shot:

Graduation - 07.23.09 (18 of 27)


Friday, August 7, 2009

Some Girls Have All The Luck

...and I am certainly one of them!

A few weeks ago I graduated from my Master's Program (which is a post all it's own), and the night before the actual graduation, we had a celebratory dinner for our class and our families.

And it reminded me just how much I have enjoyed my classmates. We can make each other crazy at times, but there is still not another group I would have wanted to spend a year with.





(This is only part of our group - some weren't able to make it to the BBQ)

And my favorite shot from the night:
No one is looking at the camera, half of the group isn't even smiling. But you just can't fake happiness like that.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Best Shot Monday - Memories

Sometimes there is nothing like finding some photos you had forgotten all about to brighten up your Monday...

Park Afternoon - 05.05.09 (40 of 42)

Park Afternoon - 05.05.09 (42 of 42)

Park Afternoon - 05.05.09 (20 of 42)

Park Afternoon - 05.05.09 (7 of 42)

And my best shot:

Park Afternoon - 05.05.09 (25 of 42)


Friday, July 24, 2009

Way Behind

I don't think that words "way behind" even do justice to just how far behind I actually am.

Case in point? This is my first post since July 6th -- egads, I don't know how that happened!

It isn't, of course, that I had nothing to write about -- that's never the case, is it? It's simply that life is BUSY...same for me as for everyone else. Work, school, family, friends, all seems to get in the way.

But the low down on what I have been up to is this:
*3 weeks of full time medical school type stuff. Which was overwhelming (but helpful).

*Friends...or rather attempting to make sure that at least a few of them remember who I am. Which, if they do, won't be thanks to any ability to get together on my part. As expected, my schedule sucks.

*Work. People never stop having babies. Which means that I never stop having to go to work. Not that I am complaining (not really anyway) - a secure job is a nice thing to have!

* know, the really exciting things like dishes, laundry, and grocery shopping. Well, at least dishes and laundry - I actually really do like to go grocery shopping!

I am going to attempt to get some of my hum drum life adventures written down...I'm sure that you all just can't wait to hear about them...

Monday, July 6, 2009

America's Birthday Party

I LOVE the 4th of July.

Fireworks 5

Or, more specifically, I LOVE fireworks.


Fireworks 4

Unfortunately, this year I worked on the 4th of July. So, instead of seeing fireworks, I saw babies. LOTS of babies. Although we did have an excellent view of one of the local shows through some of our windows. I would have taken pictures, but I was busy -- we let all of the patients who were able come to the rooms with the view to watch the show.

Fireworks 3

And even one or two of the babies from the nursery.

Disney Fireworks - 06.01.09 (4 of 58)

After all, it's never too early to enjoy your first fireworks display.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Oh! Hi!

Oh! Hi!

I apparently have a serious memory problem, where I mean to post and then don't quite get to doing so. It's a terrible thing, really, seeing as how I am quite sure that all of you are just DYING to know what I've been up to.

Which, by the way, hasn't really been all that exciting.

My biggest news is that I have successfully written and defended my thesis, so now you can all feel free to call me Master. :) Graduation isn't for a few more weeks, but that certainly doesn't make me any less glad to be done. Unfortunately there was no real summer vacation fir me - we started classes to prepare fir medical school this past Monday. Which I assure has absolutely caused me to ask "what in the world was I thinking" on a daily basis.

As you can see, I am still a total insomniac being given frequent opportunities to catch up on my DVR, as it is after midnight and I am still awake. And warning: anyone who tells me that being awake so late gives me lots of time to study may very well be physically harmed.

I am, however, pleased to report that (assuming this post is viewable) I have figured out how to post from my phone. I know - now you are all hoping to be spared the daily live blogging of all my lectures. I promise, you will be...

Friday, June 19, 2009

I Stand Corrected

When the iPhone first came out, I could not for the life of me figure out what the big deal was. After all, you need a phone for the occasional call and perhaps text message. But after that, who really cares? It's certainly nice enough for phones to have tricks and extra buttons, but really, not necessary.


WRONG. For once Yet again, I was wrong.

See, on Saturday night my phone (which doubled as my PDA -- calendar, to do list, address book, email/internet) went swimming in the sink at work. Now I am not extremely well versed in all things technical, but I do know this: Phone + water = bad. As I watched my phone sink into the water, I saw a new phone in my fairly near future. (Helpful hint: don't put your phone in the sink...especially a sink full of water)

So Sunday afternoon after I dragged my sorry butt out of bed woke up, I was forced to go on a little shopping spree. I have had Verizon forever, and have never had much of a problem with them. My service works well, which was all I really needed. But I do love to do what all the cool kids are doing, so I thought that perhaps I should expand my horizons.

I went to the Apple Store.

And then my head exploded from all the technology! And people! And gadgets! And people!

And then I realized that when I said that one phone was just as good as another that I was wrong.

This guy came home with my. No, it isn't the 3G S -- just the regular 3G. But still. It is, by far, every bit as awesome as everyone always said it was.

The only thing that it doesn't do is my laundry -- although heck, there might be an app for that too.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Best Shot Monday - Craving Vacation

I know that I was just on vacation, but with as hectic as normal life is (and it always is, isn't it?), a return to vacation sounds awfully good to me...

Disney - 05.31.09 (130 of 170)

Disney - 06.01.09 (80 of 84)

Disney - 06.01.09 (72 of 84)

Disney - 05.31.09 (84 of 170)

For more great shots, see what everyone has to share at Tracey's!
