Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Just a minute....

Garrett (who is almost 2.5) has developed a habit that I would love to rid him of, although he probably picked it up from me. Any time I call his name (no matter what he happens to be doing at the time) he immediately responds with "Just a minute..." It doesn't appear to matter if he is doing nothing other than staring at the wall, it's always "just a minute..."

This morning I called his name because he could be done sitting in time out, and would you believe that he said the same thing then? Oh yes, when I said time out was done, he replied with the standard "just a minute..." I don't think that time outs must be having the desired effect...

So now the question is this -- do I let it go and pretend that hearing "just a minute" every time I call his name doesn't make me completely crazy? Or do I try to break him of the habit, which in all truthfulness is mostly harmless?

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